Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Crave Your Mouth, Your Voice, Your Hair

I think this poem is about a man who is deeply in love with a women not of his social status so they only can go out and see eachother at night, much like Romeo and Juliet's secret realtionship. But I think it is talking about the man searching for the women who did not show up one night. The man in this poem seems very attached to this women and by the time darkness comes around he can not wait to see her. "I prowl though the streets" suggests that in the night he is looking for her without being seen. The speaker talks about how the dawn disrupts him because then he can not be with the women. He can not stand to be with out her, but because of their statuses he has to wait to see her. So instead of actually being with her it sounds as if he just watches her through out the day. He notices every little thing about her and loves and strives for it. In the end the speaker talks again about searching for her in the night. He compares searching for her heart like a puma in the barrens of Quiltratue. This symbolizes a puma hunting for a deer in a dessert. The idea that the puma will not find the deer or survive in the desert symbolizes how the man can not find the women tonight and can't live with out her unless he moves on.

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