25.) " Paul D. must know who she is or what she is." Stamp Paid is frightened when he sees Beloved and the fact that he thinks of her as something and not a person can suggest that she doesn't even look human and Sethe is too sucked into her she doesn't even recognize it.
26.) " Everything they touched was looked on as stealing." This just reenforces on how ruff it was for them in slavery and they were always being judged and watched.
27.) "The deeper and more tangled the jungle grew inside.....It was the jungle the whitefolks planted in them." This is saying that the slaves are compared to as soil and the white people are planting seeds into them and controlling their life. The fact that their lives are compared to a jungle suggest that they have many wild attributes and characteristics.
28.) "When Sethe locked the door, the women inside were free at last to be what they liked, see whatever they saw and say whatever they liked." Once the three girls are in 124 they feel protected and free. The house can symbolize freedom and is as if it is not even attached to the earth and they are seperated from everyone else.
29.) "I won't never let her go." Once Sethe acknowledges Beloved is her daughter she comes too attached and feels she can not live without her. This quote is a foreshadow on how things become bad when she comes to attached.
30.) Sethe's perspective on killing her child changes and she starts to say how she really didn't want to and it was her only choice. This shows that she really is messed up and kind of has a second look on everything once Beloved comes back.
31.) When Beloved has the section where she is talking there is no puncuation. This shows her age of her being only two. It also talks about the connection between life and slavery and how you do not have a voice when you are in slavery.
32.) When Beloved, Sethe, and Denver voices come together it symbolizes them becoming a family.
33.) "He stayed alive to sing songs, that murdered life." Sixo was always singing songs. And he would never stop which is why he was killed.
34.) "Night gives them more time and protection of color." Throughout the book many good things and bad things happen in the dark. Being in the dark is usually scary forsomeone but it is a sense of protection for them.
35.) When it says that Sixo was singing and shouting seven-o seven-o this could be saying that the thirtytwo mile ladie is carrying his child and he is now numbering him meaning when he is born he is not going to be free.
36.) "My house is your house too." Once again Stamp Paid thinks of everybody as family and has a strong connection to them. I think because he helps them across the river and become free he probably thinks they are his responsibility and he has to help them survive and live a better life than what they had on the otherside of the river.
37.) "It was as though her mother had lost her mind." A reoccuring sighn that Sethe is not who she used to be and is now acting totally different around Beloved and giving her all the attention.
38.) "Denver began to drift from play.......Beloved was in danger." Denver realizes that her mother is becoming way to attatched to Beloved and might repeat history.
39.) "Beloved accused her of leaving her behind." This shows that Beloved does not understand why Sethe killed her and shows her age of two not being able to understand.
40.) "Ax the trunk the limb will die." At this point Beloved can be compared to the trunk and Sethe can be compared to the limb. Beloved is all Sethe is living for and takes care of her more than she takes care of herself.
41.) "Honor thy mother and father that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." This is an important piece to the book because it shows how Sethe thinks Beloved is just honoring her and how nothing but her is a really big deal.
42.) "Her mother serving a girl not much older than herself." Sethe is aging quick and Beloved is sucking the life out of her. This suggests that Beloved knows she will not last for ever and is trying to make this the most life like experiance before it is all gone again.
43.) "Change from one mind to another." Beloved and Sethe have pretty much changed minds and Beloved has brainwashed Sethe in a way making her serve her. Sethe's memories are also what making her be Beloved's slave. She is trying to get them out and she is now feeling a sense of guilt.
44.) Beloved takes action to go get help. Once she gets a job she becomes free because she is doing things for herself and healing the past.
45.) Not only did Denver leave 124 but Paul D. also left 124 to become free and heal the past. It is as if 124 enslaves people and makes it so they get to the point where it captures them and makes it so they do not realize how bad it is.
46.) "Everybody's child was in that face." This shows that Denver has a childish face. In this book it was better to be a child than a man. It might be the same for women and Denver having a child face symbolizes that she has an easier time to forget because she was so young. It also shows how she never aged when she was lonely in 124. The idea that she has not aged can mean that she has much more life and that she has room to start over a new life.
47.) "Nobody needs a visit." This fits into the theme of family. It is as if everybody knows when somebody needs help and they all have gone through the same thing in slavery so they share many memories.
48.) "124 was a way station." A way station is just a stopping point on a journey. Many members of the family leave 124 to endure on their journey of life and becoming a free individual. Sethe does not leave 124 and is eventually enslaved by Beloved. Denver starts her journey of becoming a free person when she leaves 124. 124 is still like a way station to many people.
49.) "Rain, Rain." Beloved is screaming this in her sleep. Water symbolizes rebirth but what Beloved is talking about is her death. This can show that Sethe is going to be reborn when Beloved leaves.
50.) "Ella didn't like the idea of past errors taking possesion of the present." This shows that Ella knows Beloved is her daughter and that she thinks people need to forget about the past. This suggests that she had a very rough time in slavery that is hard for her to forget.
Amanda - its good that you have 50 entries. Try to go a little deeper with them. Example - 27) The jungle goes all the way back to Africa and the excuse white people used to enslave blacks. The idea that people who came from the jungle weren't civilized. Morrison is suggesting that this isn't true and the uncivilized characteristics where planted their by the slave owners.