Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Belove Part 1

1.) "The boy's chased off by the dead one." (pg. 6) This shows that the ghost is displayed as a reoccuring image that scares the boys off.

2.) "Fire and brirmstone all right, but hidden in lacy gloves." (pg. 7) This is saying how evil is hidden and people can hide there past to themselves and cover it up.

3.) "Annoyed that she had not needed Halle or him in doing." (pg. 9) Paul D. is annoyed at the fact the Sethe has been taking care of herself and Denver with out the help of a man. This shows that the women in this book are strong and the men feel they need to be needed.

4.) "It's not evil, just sad." (pg. 10) Sethe is telling Paul D. that the spirit in the house is nothing to be afraid of. This can foreshadow that when Beloved comes Paul D. should not think of her as a threat.

5.) The pulsing red light is a symbol of the babies spirit and their sadness. The red light can also be a danger signal or an instruction to stop or discontinue. This could be telling Sethe to move on.

6.) Shoes are a motif and can be seen as protection and security. When you do not have shoes it shows you are not very weathly and is one less piece of clothing you have to take off.

7.) Colors in this book are seen as comfort and fortunes. The orange squares on the blanket make Beloved happy. Grandma wants a certain color of tea. Amy wants purple silk.

8.) "No body comes around." (pg. 17) Denver is saying how they have no company. Sethe has shut both her and her daughter out from the rest of society because of her grief and pain of memory.

9.) Sethe's back looks like a chokecherry tree because she has been whipped so much. A chokecherry tree is a common wild cherry tree with small bitter black berries that are favored by birds. The tree can be compared to how she is providing for everyone else, they can be compared to the birds.

10.) Paul D. calls a tree brother and that shows how the people of Sweet Home are connected to the land and it is a big part of their lives.

11.) "But he to was nothing but a man." (pg. 27) The men in this book are known to leave and are known as nothing but if he is a boy is somebody because he doesn't leave.

12.) Denver's birth was brutle for her mother and herself. She was born in a canoe and a kind white women helped deliver her. The way Denver's life started could foreshadow that she is going to have a hard end.

13.) "Sure you can, Lu. Come on!" (pg. 41) Amy is seen as a very encouraging and positive person. If it weren't for Amy, both Denver and Sethe might not be alive.

14.) Snakes are a symbol of poison and death. Snakes are always referred to as killing people. Sixo tells the girl he loves to use the excuse the excuse that she got bit by a snake and that's why she's late.

15.) "Anything dead coming back to life hurt's." (pg. 42) This is foreshadowing that when Beloved comes it's going to hurt other's. Paul D. because of her presence and Sethe and Denver because she leaves.

16.) Denver says nothing ever dies and she can be referring to memories. Her mother's bad memories will never go away. Denver will always have Beloved in her heart.

17.) "None could appriciate the safety of ghost company." Everybody knew of the ghost in the house but thought it was there for the wrong reason. The boys knew but it scared them. Grandma baby knew but it sadned her. Nobody loved it and saw that it was there for the wrong reason.

18.) The idea of abandonment and death is a reoccuring theme and is seen in the wrong way. Sethe thought the Halle abandoned her and the children but really he abandoned them because he couldn't live with what he saw.

19.) When they first run into Beloved, Sethe recognizes she has nice shoes and hands and she analyzes the situation. This shows that Sethe is smart and has a very good thought process.

20.) Paul D. assumes that Beloved has cholera because of her symptoms which shows he is educated.

21.) " It there had been an open latch between them, it would have closed." This is talking about the relationship between Paul D. and Denver. They never really had a connection or understood each other. They also have different feelings towards Beloved which tares them even further apart.

22.) Shadows is a motif in the book. The image of a person as a shadow isn't very clear and it doesn't tell you much about them. A shadow is also just the outline of a person. When they are seen in shadows they seem to be getting along.

23.) Once Denver meets Beloved she realizes how it feels to have her mother. Having Beloved ask her mother all the questions help her realize her mother's past. Denver feels more comfortable with having another girl her age and not so alone.

1 comment:

  1. Good tree images here - pay close attention to trees in the rest of the book. Include the stump that Baby preaches on.
