Thursday, December 3, 2009

Act 2 question

1.) Polonius tells Reynaldo to go to Paris to spy on Laertes. He plans to trap his son by lying and asking questions to people Laertes may know, to figure out what he has been up to.

2.) This tells us that Polonius really only cares about his self image. He wants to check on his son's image so it will not come back and give him a bad reputation.

3.) Hamlet goes to Ophelia half naked acting as if he had gone crazy.

4.) They have been sent to Denmark to find out what is going on with Hamlet and why he is acting the way he is.

5.) Hamlet asks the players to act out the tale of Aeneas. This mimics his position because like Achilles's son Hamlet has to get revenge on his father's death.

6.) Ophelia is telling her father that she has done what he told her to do and has been refusing Hamlet.

7.) The Queen is telling Polonius to speak get to the point about why Hamlet has gone crazy and speak with less logic and vulgarity.

8.) Hamlet is talking about how he has every right to avenge for his father and he will do it with words.

Polonius is telling Reynaldo how he is going to find out what Laertes is up to by saying false statements to people Laertes may know to see their reaction.

10.) Hamlet is saying how he is the sun and he will bread on dead dogs which represent women and Polonius's daughter.

11.) Direct: Denmark as a prison

Extended: garden of eden, and the fall of men

Implied: poison going through the ears

12.) Ophelia came to Polonius scared because Hamlet came to her acting crazy and he assumed it was for his love.

13.) Hamlet thinks that Denmark is a prison but Rosencrantz and Gildenstern think nothing is wrong with it. Hamlet also thinks that his mom marring his uncle shortly after his fathers death is wrong.

14.) A fishmonger can me slang for pimp. Hamlet is using this as an insult to Polonius to tell him he is of low social class.

15.) Jephitah is a man who sacraficed his daughter for political reasons.

1 comment:

  1. 8) Hamlet is commenting and criticizing himself for not being able to act. He can only talk about acting.

    10) Hamlet is reinforcing the idea of decay. He can breed decay.
