Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Beowulf pg.197-213
Pg. 211 (3131-3133): They pitched the dragon....take the treasure-minder. - The idea that all the monsters dead bodies are in water could suggest that the ocean is hell or the underworld. When they find the dragon's large dead body they throw it over the cliff and into the sea, also Grendel and his mother died in her lair under water.
Pg. 209 (3098-3100): Since of all men....due as a warrior were the greatest. - They refer to Beowulf as a great warrior but not a great king. He did not help to strengthen his country for when he would die. Instead he wanted all the honor and to be the one to kill the dragon. He did win all of his battles and helped protect his country and that is why he was such a great warrior. Another reason he failed as being king is that he had no descendants to pass the thrown down to.
Pg. 207 (3077-3078): Often when one man follows his own will many are hurt. - This refers to how Beowulf insisted on fighting the dragon instead of letting anyone else fight him. If another warrior fought the dragon it would give him the experience on how to fight so their country would still be strong after Beowulf death.
Pg. 205 (3051-3057): That huge cache, gold inherited from an ancient open the hoard. - It could be suggested that the ancient race could be descendants of Cain. Earlier in lines 1660-1686 it talks about how the giants made an ancient hold hilt. Knowing that the giants had possession of gold, could put a curse on it, and that they were part of the ancient race suggests that the treasures could be from the descendants of Cain.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Beowulf pg.151-197
Pg. 161 (2369-2379): There Hygd offered him throne and the ruler of Geatland. - Even though Beowulf fit into the characteristics of a good king I think he refused this offer because he knows he is going to have to fight the dragon and could die. This would leave the Geats with no king or a very inexperienced one. He decides to just teach Hygelac's heir, Heardred.
Pg. 165 (2584-2586)): The glittering sword, it never should have. - Once again Beowulf uses a sword that has never failed but does not work for him. Although later on it says he is too strong for the sword and that is why it doesn't work but it could also fit into the suggestion of Beowulf being like God. This could fit in because of the idea of not using harmful destruction and weapons.
Pg. 183 (2702-2705): Once again the king....sharpened for battle. -This represents the connection between warriors and kings. Wiglaf is the only one that goes and helps Beowulf fight the dragon. He overcomes the flames and danger to go be by Beowulf side in defeating the dragon. He strikes the dragon and could have killed him but he leaves that honor to his king, Beowulf. He lets him deliver the fatal wound that kills the dragon because he knows how important it is to Beowulf to know that he killed the dragon and gets to claim the honor.
Pg. 185 (2743-2746): Go now quickly...feast your eyes on the hoard. - Beowulf wants to see the treasure he got from the dragon before he dies so he sends Wiglaf to go retrieve it. This is ironic because Beowulf dies thinking that the treasure he has won will benefit his people but because the Geats did not burn or bury all the treasure with Beowulf and left much of it undestroyed in the burial mound they will probably be punished because of the curse.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Beowulf pg.131-151
Pg. 139 (2022-2025): I heard the company call her her gold-trimmed attire. - Frea means to make a promise and waru means to wear an article of merchandise. This name represents Hrothgar's daughter being used as a peace pledge. It can also say how she is treated like merchandise and will not last long before she becomes a failed peace weaver.
Pg. 143 (2117-2123): Then suddenly the vehement mother....and with bare-faced defiance laid a man low. - This can suggest how Grendel's mother is actually just trying to fit into the role of women and create peace. It was pretty much her only choice to invade Herot and kill a man to avenge for Grendel. In the many years that she has been living there this was her first time invading , she had a good reason to do so, but this suggests that she wanted to be at peace with the people of Herot and not cause larger problems that would cause distruction.
Pg. 145 (2142-2413): But Halfdane's heir, the shelter of those earls, again endowed me with gifts in abundance. - Beowulf is given gifts and treasures everytime he has done something good for the people of Herot. I feel Beowulf is going to get too comfortible with recieving gifts and treasures and expect it to happen ever time he does a good deed. He may start to use his riches to over power others and become too prideful.
Pg. 149 (2190-2196): The battle-famed king......and a hall and a throne. - Beowulf receiving the sword suggests that he is ready to take over. It also suggests how now he will have his own sword that has been passed down to him to fight battles to come.
Literary Terms
Example: Formal diction is the language of research papers and newspaper articles. This can be found in history books, science books, or an introduction to a book.
Extended Metaphor: Is a metaphor that continues into the sentences that follow. An extended metaphor is also a metaphor developed at great length, occurring frequently in or throughout a writing.
Example: Kin killing and the idea of weregild is an extended metaphor in Beowulf.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Beowulf pg.93
Pg. 95 (1569-1572): The hart in flight....than dive beneath it's surface. - This is saying how a deer being chased by wolves would rather turn around and fight the wolves than enter into Grendel's mother's lair. This is saying how awful and scary her liar is and it is also to be described like hell. This could also suggest the idea of how Hrothgar is a symbol of a deer and how he never fights Grendel and how Grendel never specifically comes after him. Also on pg 111 line 1599 Grendel's mother is refered to as the wolf of the deep. A wolf is considered one to be regarded as predatory, rapacious, fierce, wild, and destructive. This suggests how Grendel's mother traps people because the wolves chase the people to her lair.
Pg. 97 (1384-1385): It is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mouning- This contradicts with the idea that Beowulf is Christlike because he is suggesting that it is better to get revenge rather than to mourn when Christ tells you to forgive others and to mourn with those who are mourning.
Pg. 101 (1458): A rare and ancient sword named Hrunting - Unferth gives Beowulf a sword named Hrunting to help him fight off Grendel's mother. The sword posesses great powers and has never failed anyone who has used it. But when Beowulf descends to the bottom of the lake, into Grendel's mother's lair, the sword loses its powers and is ineffective against the monster. Unferth giving Beowulf represents him not having enough corage to fight and maybe he knew the sword would not be able to kill Grendel's mother and he wanted to ruin Beowulf's good reputation and have him not come back up from the her lair.
Pg. 111 (1620-1621): The wide water, the waves and pools....and this unreliable world. - When Beowulf kills Grendel and his mother it symbolizes him cleansing Herot and it being safe for now. But in line 1630-1631 it is saying how even though Grendel and his mom are dead war is still to come.
Pg. 115 (1677-1679): Then the gold hilt...for the venerable ruler. - There is a connection between swords and weapons. Swords are passed down through generations and represent stories. This sword tells the story of Cain's decendants because Grendel was a decendent of Cain. Knowing that this sword is from the decendents of Cain lets us know it is an ancient sword.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Beowulf pg. 59-93
Pg. 63 (950-955): I have often honoured....May the God of ages continue to keep adn requite you well. - This suggests that Hrothgar wants to maintain a good connection with the Geats. He may want to do this to keep Beowulf to help defend his land or he doesn't want them to turn against him for any reason.
Pg. 65 (976-978): Like a man outlawed for wickedness, he must await the mighty judgement of God in majesty. - This statement about Grendel can be related to Cain. Both are outcasts of God and are not accepted by him.
Pg. 83 (1179-1186): I am certain of Hrothulf.....respect he found in his childhood. - This Foreshadows that Hrothgar will be killed by Hrothulf to become the next one inline to become king.
Pg. 85 (1191-1196): The cup was carried to him....anywhere on earth or under heaven. - This is talking about all the gifts Beowulf has recieved for his defeat it also foreshadows to Hygelacs death because he waas wearing the saim neck-ring on his last raid.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Beowulf pg 21-57
Pg. 27 (380-381): With the strength of thirty in the grip of each hand - This suggests that Beowulf is equivalent or stronger than Grendel. This can be assumed because earlier (pg. 11: 22) Grendel was able to grab thirty men in one hand and kill them.
Pg. 33 (471-473): Finally I healed the feud by paying: I shipped a treasure-trove to the Wulfing and Ecgtheow acknowledged me with oaths of allegiance. - Hrothgar payed Beowulf's father's wergild for him when he killed Heatholaf, a Wulfing, and was forced to leave so he went to the South-Danes. This suggests that Hrothgar is a good king and shares his treasures with people. This can also suggest that Beowulf's father did not have a lot of riches and caused a feud.
Pg. 41 (583-586): I don't boast when I say that neither you nor Breca were ever much celebrated for swordship or facing danger on the field of battle. - Unferth is a foil to Beowulf. Rather than heroism Unferth reveals pride and resentment. This also shows that Unferth is not a good warrior because he is a coward, unable to protect Heorot and defeat Grendel himself, and he is also envious of Beowulf because of the reason that he can protect Herot when he doesn't even live there but Unferth is to scared and incapable to do it.
Pg. 53 (794-797): Time and again, Beowulf's warriors worked to defend their lord's life, laying about them as best they could with their ancestral blades. - This statement is parallel to the end and states that Beowulf's warriors are by his side and defending him until the end. It also states how they are very skilled and worshiped warriors because they have swords that have been passed down to them.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Beowulf pg 3-13
Pg. 5 (ln 29-31): His warrior band ... the cheif they revered who had long ruled them. - This fits into the theme Burial of a king and the idea of respect. It is a way for warriors to show their honor towards him by properly burring him.
Pg. 7 (61-63): The good Halga.....a balm in bed to the battle-scarred Swede. - Halga fits into the theme of the Importance of Women because she is used to make a peace pledge with the Swedes.
Pg. 7 (81-85): The hall towered....the blood lust rampant. - This foreshadows that Herot is going to be burned because of a blood feud, kin killing.
Pg. 13 (168-169): But throne itself, the treasured seat, he was kept from approaching; he was the Lord's outcast. - This is saying how Hrothgar was chosen to be king by god but Grendel can not become king because he is an outcast to the Lord.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Lit. Terms 3
Example: In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet uses a analogy when she says, "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" (2.2.43-44). She is trying to make the point that Romeo's surname,"Montague," shouldn't matter. For example if a rose were calleda "cabbage," it would still smell sweet; and even though Romeo's name is the name of her family enemy, he is still going to be wonderful to her.
Psychological Realism: It is a work of fiction that uses more than the usual amount of emphasis on interior characterization, and on the motives, circumstances, and internal action which comes from and develops external action of the character. Psychological realism is used to reinforce themes and to provide audiences with multiple perspectives of reference to understand the author and their characters.
Example: In Macbeth his ambition to become king and ruler will lead to his death.
Shakespeare provides us with realistic psychological states of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth that show their built in capacity for evil.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I think Tolkien has many important and interesting ideas. Knowing his ideas will help people focus more on the literary effects of the book rather than the historical. He also points out all the main ideas and points of the poem. I think his main focus and purpose for Tolkien's piece was to help people focus more on all the literary meanings in the book and how it was put together rather than the flaws.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Mes Gegra
2.) The Leinsterman raised a red wall against the Ulsterman so they could not pass over. Conall, 'the victorious' a ulsterman, went forth alone to avenge for his brothers that died in battle. He then took a different route to Leinster. When the men of Leinster reached their country they went back to their homes but Mes Gegra and his charioteer stayed behind to watch the path of cane, the route Conall took. While the charioteer was sleeping Mes Gegra saw a nut larger tha a man's head floating in the river. He went down and got it and ate half and left the other half for the gillie. The gillie then woke up saying he had seen and evil vision. When the gillie found out the king ate some of his half and did not see any left he attacked the king with a sword and cut of his hand. The king then told him to open his fist and when the gillie saw that the kernal was still in the king's fist he killed himself. Mes Gegra then moved along and ran into Conall. Conall approached him saying he was there to claim the lives of his brothers. They then fought but it was not champion like to let Conall fight with two hands when Mes Gegra only had one so they tied Conall's hand to his side. They each smote eachother until the river was full of blood but the swordplay of Conall was better than that of Mes Gegra's and he won the fight. "I percieve that thou wilt not go O' Conall," said Mes Gegra "till though takest my head with thee. Put thou head above thy head and add my glory to thy glory." Conall then severed his head but ont the way back Conall's charioteer couldn't carry the head so he cut out the brain and preserved it and mixed it with lime to make it into a brain ball. This was later stolen by Cet.
3.) Mes Gegra's brain is a symbol of the change in Conchobhar. When Mes Gegra's brain is slung into Conchobhar's the only way he can stay alive is if he keeps it in his head. He is then not able to get angry, be active, and his face is going to have to stay as a disfigurment. Conchobhar was also a non christian before he had Mes Gegra's brain in his head, but when he hears Jesus was crucified he becomes christian and very angry making the brain leap out of his head causing his death.
4.) I think Mes Gegra was a good leader and king. He sacrificed himself for his country, was loyal, intellegent, wise, fair, and noble. I do not think he was a good warrior because he died in battle but he fought smart. I think his brain being put in Conchobhar's head and later of killing him was a way of him avenging for himself after he was dead, just like it was fortold.

6.) Mes Gegra's brain is a symbol of a new, Christian, Conchobhar. It is also a symbol of Mes Gegra getting avenge for his death.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Lit. Terms
exp.: Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
This book follows all of Huckleberry Finns adventures down the Mississippi River.
Parody: A humorous interpretation of another persons work. It imitates the tone, language, and shape of the original writing to deflate the subject matter, making the original work seem absurd. Sometimes parody becomes an affectionate acknowledgment that a well-known work has become institutionalized in our culture.
exp.: Peter De Vries’s "To His Importunate Mistress" mocks Andrew Marvell’s "To His Coy Mistress."
The theme for "To His Coy Mistress" is love and time and the theme for "To His Importunate Mistress" is time and money. The language and tone is the same for both but Peter is mocking Andrew Marvell's writing.